Rango is a 2011 American animated comedy-adventure film directed by Gore Verbinski and produced by Nickelodeon Movies. The movie features an extraordinary voice cast, including Johnny Depp as Rango, Isla Fisher as Beans, Abigail Breslin as Priscilla, Alfred Molina as Roadkill, Bill Nighy as Rattlesnake Jake, and Ned Beatty as Tortoise John.

The story begins with Rango, a chameleon, living in a terrarium as a family pet. However, his ordinary life changes when his terrarium falls out of the family's car, and he ends up in a desert. Shortly after, he meets Beans, a thirsty iguana, who takes him to the town of Dirt. There, he tries to impress the townspeople by inventing a heroic story about his past and gains a reputation as a brave and skilled gunslinger.

However, Rango soon realizes that there's something sinister going on in Dirt when he uncovers the town's water supply is being controlled by Mayor Tortoise John, who's using it to make a profit. Rango teams up with Beans and a group of desert animals to face the corrupt mayor and save Dirt from a massive water shortage.

Throughout the movie, Rango learns about courage, being true to himself, and the importance of teamwork as he faces various challenges and battles. The movie is notable for its stunning visuals, quirky characters, witty humor, and outstanding performance by the cast.

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