Rangeela Raja

Comedy,Drama  N/A 

Rangeela Raja is a Bollywood film that was released in January 2019. The film follows the story of two twin brothers, Setti and Vijay, who are played by Govinda. Setti is the elder brother, who lives a life of luxury and excess, while Vijay is a yogi who leads a simple and spiritual life.

As the story progresses, Setti's aimless lifestyle begins to catch up with him, and he ends up getting involved in a number of shady business deals. Meanwhile, Vijay becomes increasingly concerned about his brother's safety and well-being, and decides to intervene in his life in order to bring him back on track.

However, Setti is initially resistant to his brother's attempts to reform him, and the two brothers end up clashing over their differing lifestyles. Eventually, however, Setti begins to see the errors of his ways and starts to change his habits, thanks to Vijay's guidance and wisdom.

Overall, Rangeela Raja is a family-friendly film with a strong moral message about the importance of leading a responsible and purposeful life. The movie features a number of memorable musical sequences, as well as plenty of laughs and heartfelt moments.

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