The protagonist of the story is a teenage girl named Terri Fletcher, who dreams of becoming a singer and songwriter. Terri lives in a small town in Arizona with her parents and her older brother, Paul. Paul is her biggest supporter and encourages her to pursue her dreams of music. However, tragedy strikes when Paul dies in a car accident, leaving Terri heartbroken and lost.

Terri's life changes drastically when she receives a letter from a performing arts academy in Los Angeles, informing her that she has been accepted for a summer program. The program would allow her to immerse herself in music and meet other aspiring young musicians. Excited and nervous, Terri convinces her parents to let her go, hoping to follow in her brother's footsteps and fulfill her dream of becoming a famous musician.

Once Terri arrives at the academy, she struggles to fit in with the other students and find her place. She is overwhelmed by the fast-paced lifestyle of the big city and feels out of her depth among the talented and experienced performers. However, she quickly discovers that her passion and determination are stronger than her fears and doubts. As Terri immerses herself in the program, she finds herself growing and evolving as a musician and as a person.

Over the course of the summer, Terri develops a close relationship with her music teacher (played by Hilary Duff) and forms a band with other promising young musicians. They work together tirelessly to develop their skills and prepare for their final performance, where they hope to showcase their talent to the world. However, as the day of the performance draws near, Terri must confront her fears and doubts, all while dealing with the painful memory of her brother's death.

Raise Your Voice is a heartwarming and inspiring coming-of-age story that celebrates the power of music, passion, and perseverance. The film features a talented cast of young actors, including Hilary Duff, Jason Ritter, and John Corbett, and boasts a powerful musical score that captures the heart and soul of the story.

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