Racetime is a Canadian animated adventure movie directed by Benoit Godbout. The movie revolves around Frankie-Four-Eyes, a young boy who dreams of becoming a mighty sled racer like his father. To fulfill his dream, he teams up with his best friends Sophie and Alistair to build a sled and participate in the annual Snowstorm Challenge.

However, their plan takes a turn when the snobbish newcomer, Zac, enters the scene with his talented cousin Charlie. Zac, who is a former world champion, underestimates Frankie's team and challenges them in the race. The sled race takes a dramatic turn as both teams strive to win the Snowstorm Challenge amidst the beautiful but treacherous terrain.

Frankie's team faces several challenges, including sabotage and other obstacles, which they overcome with their determination and teamwork. As the race progresses, Frankie gains valuable insights into sled racing and life lessons that help him grow as a person.

The movie is filled with adventure, action, and drama, keeping the audience hooked till the very end. It also highlights the importance of teamwork, perseverance, and believing in oneself to overcome challenges and achieve success.

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