The movie follows the story of Matt Quigley, played by Tom Selleck, a sharpshooter who answers an advertisement for a job in Australia. The advertisement is from an Australian land baron named Elliott Marston, who is seeking a skilled marksman to kill the dingoes on his property.

Once he arrives in Australia, Quigley quickly realizes that Marston has a more sinister motive. Marston is attempting to drive the aborigines off their land, and Quigley refuses to participate in the slaughter of innocent people. Quigley manages to escape Marston's clutches and runs into a woman named Crazy Cora, played by Laura San Giacomo.

Cora has been living in the wilderness after being driven insane by the death of her child. She agrees to help Quigley, and the two of them set off on a dangerous journey to warn the aborigines of Marston's plans.

Throughout the movie, Quigley and Marston engage in a thrilling game of cat and mouse, with Marston constantly pursuing Quigley and his allies. The movie reaches its climax with a tense shootout between Quigley and Marston.

Quigley Down Under was a critical and commercial success upon its release in 1990. It's widely regarded as one of Tom Selleck's best performances and is remembered for its stunning cinematography and action-packed sequences. The movie was directed by Simon Wincer, who went on to direct other popular Westerns, including Lonesome Dove and Open Range.

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