The movie Queen of the Stardust Ballroom was a made-for-television film that originally aired in 1975. It starred Maureen Stapleton as Bea Asher, a middle-aged woman who has lost her husband and spends most of her days visiting her grandchildren. Lacking purpose and feeling lonely, a friend brings her to the Stardust Ballroom, a local dance hall that plays music from the 1940s.

At the ballroom, Bea rediscovers her love for dancing and finds herself drawn to a mailman named Alvin "Al" Green (played by Charles Durning). Al is also a regular at the Stardust and the two strike up a friendship that eventually turns into romance. Bea's daughters disapprove of the relationship and worry that Al is taking advantage of her, but Bea is happy and doesn't care what others think.

As the film progresses, Bea and Al become closer and attend various dances and events together. However, when Al becomes ill and is unable to dance, Bea helps him regain his strength by practicing with him every day. Eventually, Al proposes to Bea and she happily accepts.

The movie received critical acclaim for its portrayal of an older couple finding love and joy in each other's company. Maureen Stapleton won an Emmy for her performance as Bea and the film was nominated for a total of six Emmy Awards. It remains a beloved classic to this day, known for its heartwarming story and nostalgic soundtrack.

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