Purge of Kingdoms is a comedic parody of the popular television series "Game of Thrones," set in a fictional world where the Eight Kingdoms are constantly at war with each other. The film revolves around the Purge Fest 3000, a massive gathering of nobles from all the kingdoms, who have come together to try and broker peace.

At the same time, members of the Fat King's own family are plotting to overthrow him and seize control of the kingdom for themselves. The Fat King is a tyrant who rules with an iron fist, and his family members are eager to take advantage of his weakness and seize power.

The film features a large cast of characters, including knights, lords, ladies, and various other nobles from the Eight Kingdoms. The humor is largely driven by the absurdity of the situations that these characters find themselves in, as well as the various political machinations and backstabbing that takes place.

There are also plenty of action sequences, as the various factions engage in battle and try to gain the upper hand. Despite the violence, however, the film maintains a light-hearted tone throughout, parodying both the violence and the more serious themes of "Game of Thrones."

Overall, Purge of Kingdoms is a fun and irreverent take on the fantasy genre, with plenty of laughs and action to keep viewers entertained.

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