Puppet Master II is a horror film released in 1990 and directed by David Allen. In the movie, the evil puppet master Andre Toulon has returned from the dead and is controlling his puppets once again. This time, he is on a hunt for specific brain fluid that will allow him to fully resurrect himself.

Toulon's puppets go after a group of paranormal researchers who are investigating the mysterious disappearance of a colleague. The researchers, including a psychic and a scientist, find themselves under attack from the deadly puppets, who are determined to get the brain fluid they need to help their master.

As the movie progresses, the researchers begin to unravel the dark secrets of Toulon's past and discover the true nature of the puppets. They must join forces to try to stop the evil puppet master before it's too late.

The film features a cast of memorable characters, including the villainous Toulon, who becomes more sinister as the story unfolds. The puppets themselves are also a highlight of the movie, with their intricate designs and creepy behavior.

Puppet Master II is a classic horror film that has stood the test of time. Fans of the horror genre are sure to appreciate its mix of campy fun and genuine scares.

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