Puncture is a powerful legal drama film that tells the story of Mike Weiss, a drug-addicted lawyer who takes on a corporate giant in a fight for justice. Mike is a brilliant but troubled attorney who is constantly battling his own demons, including a severe addiction to drugs. Despite his personal struggles, he and his partner, Paul Danziger, take on a case against a health supply corporation that has been producing dangerously defective syringes.

As the case gains momentum, Mike becomes increasingly obsessed with bringing the corporation to justice and exposing the dangerous practices that put countless lives at risk. But the corporation fights back, hiring a team of powerful lawyers to discredit Mike and his case. As the legal battle intensifies, Mike's addiction threatens to pull him under, and he must fight even harder to stay focused and keep his clients' interests at heart.

Puncture is a gripping and emotional story that portrays the complexity of addiction and the challenges faced by those who struggle with it. It's also a harrowing account of the lengths corporations will go to protect their profits, even at the expense of human lives. With outstanding performances by Chris Evans as Mike Weiss and Mark Kassen as Paul Danziger, Puncture is a must-see film that will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end.

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