In the movie Punching and Stealing, the protagonist, Ryan, works as an IT Coordinator in the corporate world of Las Vegas. However, Ryan has become jaded with the corrupt nature of his workplace, and he is tired of watching the white collar criminals get away with their financial fraud.

One day, Ryan receives an invitation to join an underground vigilante faction that takes matters into their own hands to bring justice to the corrupt businessmen. Ryan hesitates at first, but he ultimately decides to take the opportunity to seek revenge against those who have wronged him in the past.

However, as Ryan becomes more deeply involved with the vigilante faction, he realizes that the people he loves the most, including his new fiance, Jen, may be among the enemies he is fighting against. Ryan is forced to choose between his thirst for vengeance and his desire for a peaceful life with Jen.

The movie is inspired by actual corporate fraud, and it provides a glimpse into the dark and corrupt nature of the corporate world. Punching and Stealing is a thrilling and heart-wrenching story of love, betrayal, and the pursuit of justice.

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