Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings is a horror movie that was released in 1994. The film starts with a flashback of the 1950s, where a young boy named Tommy is bullied by a group of kids. In retaliation, Tommy summons a demon called Pumpkinhead to kill his tormentors. The demon does so, but Tommy is also killed in the process.

Fast forward to the present day, and a group of teenagers has moved into the town with plans to turn an abandoned mill into a nightclub. As they begin to make changes, they accidentally unearth Pumpkinhead's grave and unwittingly resurrect the demon. Pumpkinhead begins to hunt down and kill the teenagers as revenge for his own death and to satisfy his thirst for blood.

Meanwhile, the local sheriff investigates the murders and discovers the town's dark history involving Pumpkinhead. He tries to warn the teenagers and stop them from continuing the imbalance that awakened the monster. Ultimately, the group realizes their mistake and tries their best to stop Pumpkinhead, even making contact with Tommy's ghost to understand the demon's weakness.

The film is a sequel to the original 1988 Pumpkinhead movie, which starred Lance Henriksen. Pumpkinhead II features a different cast, but the same demon is the central antagonist. Despite mixed reviews upon its release, the film has since gained a cult following among horror fans.

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