Prom Night is a horror-thriller film directed by Nelson McCormick and released in 2008. The story follows Donna Keppel (played by Brittany Snow), a high school senior who is looking forward to her prom, five years after the tragic murder of her entire family by a stalker named Richard Fenton.

At the beginning of the movie, Richard breaks out of a psychiatric facility and starts stalking Donna, who is busy preparing for her prom night with her friends. Donna's friends Lisa, Claire, and Ronnie are also getting ready for the big night, but unbeknownst to them, Richard is lurking in the shadows, waiting to exact his revenge on Donna.

As the prom gets underway, Richard infiltrates the event and begins murdering people one by one, targeting Donna and her friends. Donna realizes that Richard is back and tries to warn her friends, but they are too busy enjoying the prom festivities to take her seriously.

With the help of her ex-boyfriend Bobby (played by Scott Porter) and the police, Donna tries to stay one step ahead of Richard and protect her friends from his wrath. However, it soon becomes clear that Richard is determined to get to Donna at all costs.

Prom Night is a classic slasher film that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its suspenseful pacing, effective jump scares, and intense chase scenes. Its cast of young actors, including Snow, Porter, and Jessica Stroup, deliver convincing performances that add to the movie's overall tension and sense of terror.

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