The soldier, John Carter, finds himself on the planet Mars, known to the locals as Barsoom. He quickly discovers that the atmosphere and gravity are different from Earth, giving him superhuman strength and ability to jump great distances.

Carter is captured by the Tharks, a green-skinned, four-armed race of nomads, and taken to their leader, Tars Tarkas. Initially fearing for his life, Carter soon earns the respect of the Tharks and learns their language, customs, and way of life.

Meanwhile, the Red Martians, a humanoid race led by the ruthless Sab Than, are waging war against the peaceful city of Helium. Carter meets and falls in love with Dejah Thoris, a beautiful princess of Helium who is betrothed to Sab Than against her will.

Carter and Dejah Thoris team up to save Helium from Sab Than's army and end the war between the Red and Green Martians. Along the way, Carter learns the secret behind his transport to Mars and discovers that he may hold the key to saving the planet from destruction.

Princess of Mars is an action-packed adventure film with stunning visual effects, showcasing the grandeur and danger of the red planet.

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