Premature is a coming-of-age romantic drama film that follows the life of Ayanna, a young African American girl from Harlem, who is about to embark on a new journey in college. Ayanna is an aspiring writer and spends her summer preparing for college, hanging out with friends, and spending time with her mother.

One day, she meets a charming and enigmatic young man named Isaiah. Although he is not from Harlem, Ayanna is immediately drawn to him, and they strike up a connection. Despite their different backgrounds and personalities, Ayanna and Isaiah begin to fall in love.

As their romance deepens, Ayanna discovers that Isaiah is hiding a secret and she struggles to reconcile her feelings for him with the reality of their circumstances. Meanwhile, the backdrop of Harlem is changing, and Ayanna is faced with the difficult task of mapping out her future while staying true to herself.

The film is directed by Rashaad Ernesto Green and stars Zora Howard as Ayanna, Joshua Boone as Isaiah, and Michelle Wilson as Ayanna’s mother. It premiered at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival and received positive reviews for its heartfelt portrayal of young love and a changing neighborhood.

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