Prehysteria! is a family comedy film released in 1993 directed by Albert Band. The story follows a young boy named Jerry Taylor who discovers a set of highly unusual eggs during a backyard excavation. The eggs hatch, revealing a group of baby dinosaurs, which Jerry decides to keep as his own pets.

As the dinosaurs continue to mature, Jerry's father, Frank Taylor, and sister, Monica Taylor, struggle to keep their existence a secret while trying to navigate the challenges of caring for them. Along the way, the Taylor family encounters a greedy scientist and a band of thieves who seek to profit from the prehistoric creatures.

The film features a cast of talented actors, including Austin O'Brien as Jerry Taylor, Brett Cullen as Frank Taylor, Samantha Mills as Monica Taylor, and Colleen Morris as Hysteria, the baby stegosaurus. The film's animatronic dinosaur effects were created by David K. Jones, who had previously worked on Jurassic Park.

Prehysteria! received mixed reviews from critics but was generally well-received by audiences, leading to two sequels: Prehysteria! 2 and Prehysteria! 3. The film has since become a cult classic among dinosaur enthusiasts and fans of family-friendly cinema.

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