Preaching to the Perverted is a British comedy-drama movie released in 1997. The film revolves around the moral crusade of Henry Harding MP, who is determined to eradicate what he believes to be immoral sexual practices from society. In his quest, he hires an inexperienced young computer expert, Peter Emery, to infiltrate the BDSM scene in the United Kingdom.

Peter is a devout Christian who works for a company called Holy Hardware, which specializes in creating software for Christian organizations. Initially hesitant to take on the task, Peter eventually agrees to take the job under the guise of constructing a database of BDSM enthusiasts. He quickly becomes involved in the scene, attending parties and events, and meeting various people involved in BDSM.

However, as Peter grows increasingly immersed in the BDSM community, he begins to have doubts about the morality of his own beliefs and the motives behind his mission. He starts to question whether the BDSM scene is as immoral as he was led to believe and realizes that the people he has met are not the deviants he was tasked with hunting down.

The film explores various themes, including sexual freedom, individuality, and the hypocrisy of those in power. It takes a humorous and irreverent approach to its subject matter and tackles complex issues head-on. Preaching to the Perverted is an entertaining, thought-provoking, and at times, shocking film that challenges the audience's preconceptions about sexuality and morality.

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