Powder is a 1995 American drama film directed by Victor Salva. The movie follows a young man named Jeremy "Powder" Reed, played by Sean Patrick Flanery, who has a unique appearance characterized by white skin, silver-white hair, and piercing blue eyes. He is an outcast in his high school and community, and is constantly bullied and mistreated.

The movie begins with Powder being discovered in his grandfather's basement after his death. His appearance and unexplained powers shock everyone around him, and he is subject to intense scrutiny from the media and scientific community. Despite this, Powder tries to live a normal life, but struggles to find meaning and acceptance in a world that is hostile towards him.

As the story progresses, Powder reveals that he has the ability to use and manipulate electricity, which allows him to perform incredible feats such as stopping time and controlling machinery. His powers are the result of a genetic mutation that was passed down from his parents, who died when he was young.

Powder's extraordinary abilities draw the attention of local authorities, including Sheriff Doug Barnum, played by Lance Henriksen, and a psychologist named Dr. Jessica Wu, played by Mary Steenburgen. As the characters interact with Powder, they begin to question their own beliefs and preconceptions about the nature of humanity and the universe.

Ultimately, Powder's story is one of acceptance, redemption, and self-discovery. The movie challenges viewers to think deeply about the potential for greatness within all of us, and to reconsider the way in which we treat those who are different from ourselves.

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