Portals is a science-fiction thriller that explores the consequences of a series of worldwide blackouts that cause millions of mysterious cosmic anomalies to appear across the planet. The strange phenomena seem to be portals that allow for the possible existence of parallel universes or alternate dimensions.

As people become intrigued and curious about the portals, some are drawn into them with chilling and horrific consequences. The film follows various individuals from different parts of the world as they are affected by the portals, leading to a series of terrifying encounters, mind-bending experiences, and extreme danger.

One storyline follows a group of researchers who investigate a portal in the Arctic and find themselves trapped in an alternate reality where they face a terrifying threat. Another storyline involves a young woman who enters a portal in her backyard and is transported to a parallel universe where everything seems perfect until she realizes the dark secrets behind it.

Portals is a gripping and suspenseful film that explores the concept of alternate dimensions and the possible dangers that come with the curiosity of exploring them. It will keep viewers on the edge of their seats as they witness the terrifying events that unfold when people attempt to venture beyond our world.

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