
Crime,Drama  N/A 

The movie "Pornomochi" follows the journey of a teenage boy named Aryan who gets trapped in the world of fantasy and pornography. He spends most of his time in his room, indulging in his unhealthy addiction and alienating himself from his family and friends.

As he spends more and more time in this world, Aryan faces a social crisis when his addiction is discovered by his family and friends. He is forced to face the consequences of his actions, which leads to a downward spiral into despair and self-loathing.

However, with the help of a supportive therapist, Aryan begins to slowly understand the root causes of his addiction and starts taking steps towards his self-redemption. He begins to shed his old habits and behaviors, growing new leaves towards a healthier and more fulfilling life.

The movie explores themes of addiction, self-discovery, and redemption, with a focus on the impact of pornography addiction on young adults. It aims to shed light on this issue and spark discussion around the importance of mental health and seeking help when faced with addiction.

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