Porky's is a classic 1982 comedy film directed by Bob Clark, starring a group of young actors including Dan Monahan, Mark Herrier, Wyatt Knight, and Kim Cattrall. The story follows a group of teenage boys at Angel Beach High School in South Florida, who are obsessed with losing their virginity. After being humiliated by a strip club owner known as Porky (played by Chuck Mitchell), they set out to seek revenge.

The boys try everything from setting up an elaborate prank involving a hole in the girls' shower room to sneak a peek, to trying to hire a prostitute to help them lose their virginity. However, they ultimately end up getting caught by Porky and his brother, the local sheriff. As things spiral out of control, the boys must band together to fight back against the corrupt local officials and reclaim their innocence.

Throughout the film, Porky's tackles issues of sexual awakening, adolescent angst, and small-town politics with humor and heart. It also spawned two sequels, Porky's II: The Next Day (1983) and Porky's Revenge! (1985). Although the movie received mixed reviews upon its release, it has since become a beloved cult classic and a nostalgic time capsule of the 80s.

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