Porky's II: The Next Day is a 1983 comedy film and serves as the sequel to the 1981 movie Porky's. The movie is set in the late 1950s in Angel Beach, Florida, and it follows the misadventures of a group of high school students who are set to perform a play called "An Evening With Shakespeare."

However, their efforts are met with resistance from Miss Balbricker, a conservative teacher who finds Shakespeare's works obscene and unsuitable for young students. She enlists the help of Reverend Bubba Flavel, a fire-and-brimstone preacher who strongly opposes the play and sees it as a threat to the moral values of the community.

Reverend Flavel brings along his followers to protest against the play and pressure the school administration to shut it down. The situation worsens when the students are accused of immoral behavior, and they are suspended from school. Determined to clear their names and stage the play, the students resort to various comedic schemes and pranks.

In the end, the students manage to overcome the obstacles and successfully put on the play. Porky's II: The Next Day is a raunchy comedy that explores themes of censorship, morality, and teenage angst. The movie features a mix of slapstick humor, sexual innuendos, and social commentary that make it a cult classic.

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