Polterheist is a 2018 crime-comedy film directed by David Gilbank and starring Jo Mousley, Sid Akbar Ali, and Jamie Cymbal. The story follows two inept gangsters, Jack and Calvin, who accidentally kill their boss during a heist gone wrong. Their boss had previously buried a stash of cash somewhere, and now Jack and Calvin need to find it to escape inevitable retribution.

Without any leads, they kidnap a psychic named Alice, hoping she can use her supernatural abilities to locate the hidden money. Alice initially refuses to help but eventually agrees when she realizes that the gangsters are not going to let her go until they find the loot. However, Alice's abilities are not quite what the gangsters expected, and she soon unleashes some unexpected ghostly forces.

As the group embarks on a wild hunt through the streets of Manchester, they face not only supernatural phenomena but also run-ins with rival gangs and the police. Along the way, they discover that there is more to each other than they initially thought.

Polterheist is a hilarious and unique mix of comedy, crime, and horror that keeps audiences guessing until the very end.

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