In the movie Poison Ivy, the seductive teen, Ivy (played by Drew Barrymore), manipulates her way into the household of an affluent family by befriending the introverted high school student, Sylvie Cooper. Ivy quickly becomes a close confidante to Sylvie and ingratiates herself with Sylvie's parents, particularly her father, Darryl (played by Tom Skerritt).

As Ivy's presence in the household grows, tensions rise as she begins to drive a wedge between Sylvie and her family, using her seductive charm and cunning manipulation to manipulate them for her own gain. Ivy's ulterior motives become increasingly clear as her behavior becomes more erratic and dangerous, ultimately leading to a shocking climax that changes the Cooper family forever.

Throughout the film, Ivy's manipulation and seduction tactics are at the forefront, creating a tense and suspenseful atmosphere as her true intentions slowly come to light. Poison Ivy is a psychological thriller that explores themes of obsession, power dynamics, and the consequences of unchecked manipulation.

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