
Drama  South Korea 

The movie Poetry, directed by Lee Chang-dong, is a moving and poignant portrayal of an elderly woman's struggle to find meaning and beauty in her life amidst adversity. Mi Ja, played by veteran actress Yoon Jeong-hee, is a quiet and unassuming woman who lives with her troubled teenage grandson, Wook (Lee Da-wit), in a small apartment in South Korea.

Mi Ja's world is turned upside down when she learns that her grandson and his friends are involved in a shocking crime. As she grapples with the moral implications of this event, she also begins to experience the early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, which threaten to rob her of her memories and her ability to express herself.

In an effort to hold onto her sense of self and find some measure of joy, Mi Ja enrolls in a poetry class at a local community center. There, she meets a group of aspiring poets who become her friends and mentors, encouraging her to look deeper into herself and the world around her.

Through her poetry, Mi Ja learns to see the beauty in simple things like a blooming flower or a passing cloud, and she begins to process her grief and confusion over her grandson's actions. But her newfound creative outlet is not enough to shield her from the harsh realities of life, and she must continue to wrestle with her own mortality and the demands of caring for a troubled teenager.

Throughout the film, Yoon Jeong-hee gives a masterful performance as the quiet but resilient Mi Ja, capturing the heartbreaking struggle of a woman who refuses to let life defeat her. Lee Chang-dong's direction is sensitive and understated, allowing the emotions and ideas of the film to speak for themselves.

Poetry is a deeply moving and thought-provoking work of art that explores the complexities of human experience and the power of art to heal and transform.

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