The movie Plymouth Adventure follows the journey of the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower as they leave England in 1620 in search of religious freedom in the New World. The voyage is fraught with danger, as they are hit by storms and grapple with illness and food shortages.

During the voyage, the ship's captain, Christopher Jones, falls in love with Dorothy Bradford, the wife of one of the passengers, William Bradford. Their relationship is kept secret, but when Dorothy discovers she is pregnant, she jumps overboard in a fit of despair. Her death is seen as a tragic omen by the passengers, who fear they may never make it to their destination.

Once they arrive in the New World, the Pilgrims face even more challenges as they struggle to establish a colony in the harsh environment. They are saved by their alliance with the Wampanoag tribe, particularly the Native American named Squanto, who acts as a mediator between the two groups.

Overall, the movie is a dramatic retelling of the Pilgrims' journey and the hardships they faced in their quest for a better life.

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