Watch Planet of the Humans Movie English version online

Unveiling the Green Energy Illusion: Planet of Deception

Documentary  United States of America 

Planet of the Humans is a documentary film directed by Jeff Gibbs and produced by Michael Moore. Released in 2019, the film critiques the idea that renewable energy is the solution to climate change and asserts that it is a myth perpetuated by corporations and governments that profit from it.

The film discusses how many renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power require vast amounts of fossil fuels to be produced, transported, and installed. It also highlights how many of the materials used in renewable energy products come from environmentally damaging mining practices in places like China.

The documentary argues that biomass, including the burning of trees, is being marketed as renewable energy and is causing environmental devastation. It also raises concerns about the impact of population growth on the earth's resources.

The film has garnered both praise and criticism for its message. Supporters of renewable energy have criticized the film for being outdated, presenting a one-sided view of renewable energy, and misrepresenting facts. Critics of renewable energy have praised the film for highlighting important issues and challenging the dominant narrative about renewable energy.

Overall, the movie challenges viewers to rethink how we approach climate change and energy production and consumption. It urges people to question what they are being told and to consider the impact of their actions on the environment.


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