Piranha 3D is a horror-comedy film directed by Alexandre Aja and released in 2010. The movie opens with a scientist accidentally unleashing an ancient species of piranhas that have been dormant in an underwater cavern. The story then follows a group of teens and adults who are visiting Lake Victoria, Arizona, for Spring Break. As the population of the town surges from 5,000 to 50,000 people, the piranhas find plenty of human prey.

The film features a cast of recognizable actors, including Elisabeth Shue as the town's sheriff, Steven R. McQueen as her son, Ving Rhames as a deputy, and Christopher Lloyd as an eccentric scientist. Other notable cast members include Jerry O'Connell as Derrick Jones, a sleazy adult film director who is filming a pornographic movie on a nearby boat, and Kelly Brook as his lead actress.

Once the piranhas are released, chaos ensues. The film is known for its over-the-top gore and violence, as the piranhas tear apart anyone who ventures into the water. Despite its humor and ridiculousness, Piranha 3D was praised for its inventive use of 3D technology and its self-awareness as a B-movie. The movie spawned a sequel, Piranha 3DD, which was released in 2012.

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