As Pinocchio sets out on his journey with Tibalt the horse, he encounters a variety of challenges and adventures that test his naivety and determination. Along the way, he befriends a kind but sickly marionette named Sparx and a sly fox named Volpe who teach him the ways of the world.

When Pinocchio stumbles upon the traveling circus run by Modjafocco, he is thrilled to join their performances as a marionette. However, he soon realizes the true intentions of the circus owner, who has a reputation for exploiting his performers and cheating his audience.

Pinocchio tries to escape the clutches of Modjafocco and protect his new friends at the circus, but the deceitful owner is always one step ahead. With the help of Sparx, Tibalt, and a magical fairy who watches over him, Pinocchio must use his wit and bravery to expose Modjafocco's schemes and find his way back to Jepetto.

Amidst the adventure and drama, Pinocchio learns valuable lessons about honesty, friendship, and the importance of staying true to oneself.

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