The movie Ping Pong Summer follows the story of a 13-year-old boy named Rad Miracle, who, in the summer of 1985, spends his vacation with his family in Ocean City, Maryland. Rad is a shy and awkward kid, and his only passion is playing table tennis. He is also a big fan of hip-hop music, which he listens to on his Walkman.

During his vacation, Rad befriends a local girl named Stacy, who introduces him to her gang of friends. This group of kids is into breakdancing, graffiti, and hip-hop music, and they accept Rad into their circle. Rad is overjoyed to have finally found a group of people who share his love for hip-hop music and culture.

As Rad spends more time with Stacy and her friends, he begins to come out of his shell and gain confidence. They help him to develop his breakdancing skills and teach him about graffiti art. Rad also meets a local ping pong champion named "Dragon" who becomes his mentor and teaches him some new moves.

However, not everything is perfect in Rad's world. He faces some challenges, including bullies who make fun of him and his table tennis obsession, and a local gang who causes trouble and threatens the safety of his new friends. Throughout it all, Rad remains determined to achieve his dreams and overcome his fears.

Overall, Ping Pong Summer is a heartwarming coming-of-age story about a boy who discovers himself through his love for music, ping pong, and his newfound friends.

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