Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Candace Against the Universe follows the beloved stepbrothers as they find out that their sister Candace has been abducted to a distant planet known as "Feebla-Oot" by aliens seeking to harness her innate ability to control the minds of others. Phineas and Ferb are determined to rescue their sister and embark on an epic adventure across the galaxy, joined by their lovable pet platypus Perry, to a utopia on a far-off planet called "Venusia".

Upon arriving on Venusia, the trio is met with a strange and mysterious civilization of aliens, including a charismatic and self-proclaimed ruler named Super Super Big Doctor. As they navigate the whimsical and strange planet, they encounter old allies and make new friends along the way, including a shape-shifting alien named O.W.C.A. agent P and a loveable robot named Norm.

As they travel deeper into the heart of Venusia, Phineas, Ferb, and Candace discover the true intentions of the aliens who abducted her and must work together to stop their evil plan and save the galaxy from their mind-controlling grasp. With catchy musical numbers and the beloved humor and charm fans have come to expect from the franchise, Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Candace Against the Universe is a heartwarming and thrilling adventure for the whole family.

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