Phantoms is a supernatural horror film based on the novel of the same name by Dean Koontz. The movie starts with two sisters, Lisa (Joanna Going) and Jenny (Rose McGowan), visiting their hometown of Snowfield, Colorado, to make amends with their estranged aunt, who is the sole resident of the town. However, when they arrive, they find the town empty and their aunt missing. As they investigate, they discover that all the people of Snowfield have disappeared or been killed by an unknown entity that has manifested in various forms throughout the town.

The sisters soon meet a group of other survivors who have taken refuge in a local hotel. Among them are Sheriff Bryce Hammond (Ben Affleck), his deputies, and a Department of Defense agent, Timothy Flyte (Peter O'Toole), who is investigating the strange occurrences in Snowfield. Together, they try to unravel the mystery and stop the evil entity before it's too late.

Through flashbacks, we learn that the entity is an ancient, shape-shifting creature that has been dormant for centuries. It steals the identities of its victims, leaving behind only their clothes and teeth. As the survivors struggle to find a weakness in the creature, it becomes clear that they must face their darkest fears and confront the entity on its own terms.

Phantoms was directed by Joe Chappelle and released in 1998. It received mixed reviews but has since gained a cult following. The movie is well-known for its creepy atmosphere, chilling scenes, and strong performances from its cast.

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