PG (Psycho Goreman) is a horror-comedy film directed by Steven Kostanski. The story follows two siblings, Mimi and Luke, who discover an ancient alien overlord buried in their backyard while playing a game. They accidentally resurrect the monster by unlocking its tomb with a magical gemstone amulet. The alien, named "Psycho Goreman," is a ruthless, bloodthirsty being who has been imprisoned for centuries.

Mimi quickly realizes the power she has over the alien and forces him to do her bidding with the amulet. She renames him "PG" and enlists his help in fighting off bullies and fulfilling her wishes, even if it means causing chaos and destruction. PG, while reluctantly obeying Mimi's commands, remains determined to reclaim his power and rule the galaxy once again.

As news of PG's resurrection spreads throughout the galaxy, a group of intergalactic assassins arrive on Earth to eliminate the creature before it can cause any more harm. Mimi and Luke must balance their desire for their new-found power with the safety of their family and the world as they try to protect PG from the assassins and prevent him from becoming too powerful.

PG (Psycho Goreman) is a fun and gory film that incorporates elements of classic horror and science fiction with a comedic twist. It features practical effects and a mix of over-the-top violence and dark humor that will delight fans of the genre.

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