Pets United is an animated adventure film that features the voices of Natalie Dormer as Belle and Eddie Marsan as Roger. The movie takes place in a fictional city called Robo City, which is run by robots. The city's population consists of both pets and humans who are being oppressed by the robot overlords.

Belle is a pampered cat who lives in luxury with her human owners, while Roger is a street-smart stray dog who knows how to navigate the dangerous streets of Robo City. Their paths cross when they are both captured by the robots and forced to compete in a deadly game to prove their worth.

Realizing that they must work together to survive, Belle and Roger team up and form an unlikely friendship. Along the way, they meet other pets who have been similarly oppressed by the robots and join forces to take down their mechanical oppressors.

The movie is filled with action-packed scenes as the group of pets face off against the robots in thrilling battles. Despite their differences and preconceptions about each other, Belle and Roger learn to trust and rely on each other as they fight for their freedom and the freedom of their fellow pets and humans.

Overall, Pets United is a fun and exciting movie that teaches the importance of teamwork and acceptance. Its colorful cast of characters and engaging story make it a great choice for the whole family to enjoy.

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