Peter in Magicland

Family,Animation  Germany 

Peter in Magicland is a German animated film released in 1990 and directed by Wolfgang Urchs. The movie follows the adventures of Peterchen and Annaliese as they join Sumsemann, a friendly beetle, on his quest to retrieve his lost arm from the evil troll, Two-Head. To do this, they must travel to the moon on the back of a giant bird named Mr. Crow.

On their journey, they encounter various obstacles and strange creatures, including a talking fish, a floating island and a group of moon people who are being held captive by Two-Head. They also meet a friendly moon-man named Mondschein, who helps them in their quest.

As they get closer to Two-Head's lair, they must use their wits and bravery to outsmart the troll and retrieve Sumsemann's arm. Along the way, they learn the importance of teamwork and perseverance.

Peter in Magicland is a fun and whimsical movie that appeals to both children and adults with its colorful animation, imaginative world-building and engaging characters. It is a classic example of German animation and remains beloved by audiences around the world.

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