Persepolis is a 2007 animated film, based on the graphic novel of the same name by Marjane Satrapi. The film depicts the story of Marjane Satrapi, an Iranian girl growing up in Tehran during the Islamic Revolution of 1979 and in the years that follow.

As a child, Marjane is idealistic and ambitious, passionate about literature, music, and her country. She idolizes her Marxist grandfather and her parents, who are both politically active and opposed to the Shah's regime.

However, as the revolution unfolds, Marjane sees firsthand the violence and repression that accompanies the revolution, as well as the rise of the fundamentalist regime that replaces the Shah. She watches as her parents and friends are arrested and executed or forced into hiding, and as her own opportunities and freedoms are curtailed.

As the years go on, Marjane becomes disillusioned with the new regime and begins to rebel against it in her own way. She dresses in punk rock attire, smokes cigarettes, and listens to forbidden music. But her rebellion comes at a cost, and she is eventually forced to flee Iran and start a new life in Europe.

The film provides a powerful and thought-provoking look at the Iranian revolution, and the ways in which it transformed both Iran and Marjane's own sense of self and identity. It is a haunting and unforgettable depiction of a momentous period in Iranian history, and the impact it had on a generation of young people.

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