Perfect 10

Drama  United Kingdom 

"Perfect 10" is a coming-of-age drama film that follows the story of a teenage gymnast named Leigh, played by Frankie Box, who dreams of becoming a professional gymnast. However, her dreams are at risk when she discovers she has a half-brother named Joe, played by Alfie Deegan, who is also a talented gymnast.

As Leigh struggles to accept the presence of Joe in her life, she also faces challenges in her personal life, including her strained relationship with her father, played by Billy Mogford, and her struggles with self-confidence and body image. Along the way, Leigh finds support and friendship in her teammate Jasmine, played by Leia Desseaux, and her coach Sally, played by Emily Gibson.

As Leigh and Joe train together and push each other to their limits, they both must confront their own insecurities and fears in order to achieve their goals. "Perfect 10" is a heartwarming and inspiring film about family, friendship, and the courage it takes to pursue your dreams.

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