Peppermint is a 2018 action thriller movie directed by Pierre Morel and starring Jennifer Garner in the lead role. The story follows Riley North (Garner), a devoted wife and mother who witnesses the brutal killing of her husband and daughter in a drive-by shooting by a powerful drug cartel. When the corrupt justice system fails to bring the perpetrators to justice, Riley disappears for five years, honing her skills and plotting revenge against the cartel members who destroyed her life.

Upon her return to Los Angeles, Riley unleashes her lethal fury on the cartel bosses and their associates. She goes on a killing spree, taking down one target after another while eluding the police and the cartel enforcers. As her crusade gathers momentum, Riley becomes a folk hero among the people of the city who have lost faith in the system, but she also attracts the attention of a dogged detective (John Gallagher Jr.) who is determined to bring her to justice.

The movie features intense action sequences, explosive car chases, and brutal hand-to-hand combat, as well as themes of revenge, justice, and redemption. It also explores the consequences of vigilante justice and the limits of the law in a society corrupted by crime and power. Overall, Peppermint offers a gripping and thrilling experience that showcases Jennifer Garner's versatile acting skills and her ability to portray a strong and compelling female lead.

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