Patlabor 2: The Movie is a 1993 anime science fiction film directed by Mamoru Oshii, and is the sequel to the original Patlabor movie. The story is set in 2002, three years after the events of the first movie.

The story begins with a political crisis in Japan, as the country is on the brink of signing a historical peace treaty with the Soviet Union. However, a terrorist attack in Tokyo is blamed on a rogue Air Force pilot, leading to tensions between the military and the civilian authorities. The Special Vehicle Unit 2, a division of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department that pilots giant humanoid robots called Labors, is tasked with investigating the incident.

The team, consisting of the reckless but talented pilot Noa Izumi, her partner Asuma Shinohara, and their robotic dog Ota, is joined by a government agent named Yukihito Tsuge. Tsuge has a personal connection to the incident, as he was once a member of a far-left extremist group that had ties with the terrorists.

As they delve deeper into the investigation, they uncover a conspiracy involving high-level officials and military officers who are planning to use the crisis to impose martial law in Japan. The team discovers that the terrorist attack was actually orchestrated by these shadowy figures, as part of their plan to destabilize the government.

Patlabor 2: The Movie is a thought-provoking film that explores themes of politics, power, and corruption. It is known for its realistic portrayal of Japanese society, as well as its stunning animation and action sequences. The film was a critical and commercial success, and is widely regarded as a classic of the anime genre.

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