Party Hype follows the adventures of Tyler and Amy, two financially struggling college students, who discover an innovative way to earn some quick cash by filming party scenes throughout the summer. Trouble ensues when the duo's moral compasses take a backseat to their financial gain, leading them further and further into the dark underworld of the nightclub scene.

As they delve deeper into the party circuit, Tyler and Amy find themselves caught up in a world of excess, temptation, and compulsive behavior. They soon realize that they've bitten off more than they can chew when they become embroiled in a dangerous and illegal operation that places their lives in jeopardy.

As they strive to balance their newfound wealth with the cost of what they're doing, Tyler and Amy must confront the consequences of their choices before it's too late. With danger always lurking around the corner, they learn that money isn't the only thing that can be gained or lost in the party hype.

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