Party Central is a 2013 animated short film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. It serves as a sequel to the 2001 hit movie Monsters, Inc. The movie features the characters Mike and Sulley, who are now enrolled in Monsters University. The film takes place during a fraternity party hosted by the Oozma Kappa fraternity, which initially does not attract any guests.

Unbeknownst to the other partygoers, Mike and Sulley use a door portal device to transfer the party to the scare simulator room at Monsters University. The duo then use their knowledge of scaring to create a legendary party, complete with flashing lights, thumping music, and scary monsters. The party becomes a huge hit with the other fraternity members, and they all enjoy the night.

However, things take a turn when the school's dean returns and shuts down the party due to the noise. The members of Oozma Kappa are initially dejected, but Mike and Sulley come up with a backup plan. They use the scare simulator room again to host an even bigger and better party, this time inviting the entire student body. The plan works, and the party becomes a smashing success.

Overall, Party Central is a fun and engaging short film that showcases the creative genius of Pixar Animation Studios. The film has a runtime of just over six minutes and features stunning visuals, hilarious characters, and a heartwarming story. It is a must-watch for fans of the Monsters, Inc. franchise and anyone looking for a quick and enjoyable family-friendly film.

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