Paranormal Movie is a horror-comedy film that follows the story of Jack, a man who has been haunted by supernatural occurrences all his life. Along with his girlfriend, Emma, he moves into a new house and installs cameras to capture any paranormal activity. As they settle into their new home, they begin to capture strange and terrifying events on camera.

As the activity intensifies, Jack and Emma begin to investigate the history of the house, delving deeper into the supernatural realm. However, the more they uncover, the more they realize that their newfound fame as paranormal investigators has attracted the attention of dark forces.

As the terrors escalate, the couple becomes the unwilling stars of their own haunted house movie. Filled with jump scares and comedic moments, Paranormal Movie is a fresh take on the found footage horror genre. The film is directed by Kevin P. Farley and stars Kevin, Michael, and David Farley, along with Carly Craig and Nicky Whelan.

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