Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin follows Margot, a young documentary filmmaker who discovers that she is adopted and comes from an Amish community. Curious about her roots and eager to find out more about her biological family, Margot travels to this secluded community in Pennsylvania, hoping to uncover the truth about her past.

However, as she starts to investigate, she soon realizes that there is something deeply unsettling and mysterious about this community. Strange occurrences and flashes of dark, supernatural events begin to unfold, and Margot becomes increasingly convinced that there is more going on than meets the eye.

As she delves deeper into the Amish community's secrets, Margot uncovers a disturbing history that has been hidden from the rest of the world for generations. With the help of a local journalist, team of researchers and a psychic medium, Margot sets out to uncover the truth behind the community's dark past and the paranormal activity that continues to haunt them. But as she gets closer to the truth, Margot realizes that she may have opened a Pandora's Box that she may not be able to close.

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