Paper Tiger is a 2020 American drama film directed by Paul Kowalski and written by Paul and K.C. Kowalski. The film revolves around a Chinese immigrant mother named Joanna, who discovers that her teenage son, Sam, is suffering from schizophrenia. Joanna struggles to keep her family together as she tries to cope with the challenges of raising a mentally ill son in an unfamiliar country with a language barrier.

As Sam's condition worsens, Joanna becomes increasingly concerned that he might become a school shooter. She confides in a local police officer, Officer Dunn, who takes her concerns seriously and tries to help her navigate through the difficult situation.

Throughout the film, Joanna tries to find a way to get Sam the help he needs while also dealing with the pressures of her own personal and professional life. She seeks advice from a therapist, but struggles to come to terms with the fact that her son has a serious mental illness.

The film has been praised for its honest portrayal of mental illness and immigration issues. It is a poignant and powerful story of a mother's love and the lengths she will go to protect her family. Paper Tiger features strong performances from the lead actors, including Lydia Look as Joanna and Alan Trong as Sam.

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