Pacifiction is a political thriller movie that follows the story of a French government official named De Roller who is sent to the Island of Tahiti to successfully negotiate with the local leaders and secure the rights to build a naval base on the island. De Roller is portrayed as a man of impeccable manners, always impeccably dressed, cool, and calculated in his thoughts and actions. He is seen as a shrewd negotiator who is always several steps ahead of everyone else, whether they be high society or the locals that he frequents in shady joints.

As the negotiations for the naval base progress, De Roller starts to face several unexpected challenges. The locals are deeply opposed to the presence of a naval base as it will destroy the natural beauty of the island and harm their way of life. Furthermore, a group of activists is determined to stop the construction of the base at any cost, even if it means resorting to violent means.

De Roller, unfazed by these obstacles, continues to push forward with his plans. However, as the negotiations progress, he begins to develop a bond with some of the locals and starts to see things from their point of view. This causes him to question whether the construction of the naval base is worth it, and whether the French government has the right to impose its will on the people of Tahiti.

Pacifiction is a gripping thriller that takes the audience through the murky waters of politics and negotiations. The movie is notable for its strong performance by the lead actor and for its beautiful cinematography that captures the natural beauty of the Island of Tahiti.

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