The movie Over the Moon follows the journey of a young girl named Fei Fei. She lives in China with her parents and believes in the legend of the Moon Goddess, who lives on the moon. After losing her mother, Fei Fei is determined to prove the existence of the Moon Goddess and build a rocket to travel to the moon in hopes of meeting her.

Fei Fei's journey to the moon is filled with adventure as she encounters a talking space dog named Bungee and a mischievous creature called a Lunarian. Once she reaches the moon, she discovers that the Moon Goddess is not what she expected and learns a valuable lesson about grief and the importance of family.

The story is heartwarming and touches on themes of grief, family, and the importance of chasing your dreams. The movie is a mix of Chinese culture and Disney-style animation, with breathtaking musical numbers and stunning visuals. It is a delightful family movie that will leave audiences feeling inspired and uplifted.

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