Over the Hedge is a 2006 animated comedy film directed by Tim Johnson and Karey Kirkpatrick. The film features the voice talents of Bruce Willis, Garry Shandling, Steve Carell, William Shatner, Wanda Sykes, and Nick Nolte.

The story centers on a group of woodland animals, including a raccoon named RJ, a turtle named Verne, and a group of skunks, porcupines, and other critters. They wake up from their hibernation to find their home in the forest has been encroached upon by a sprawling suburban neighborhood.

RJ, who has a history of scamming his fellow animals, comes up with a plan to steal food from the humans to help them repay a debt to a bear named Vincent. He enlists the help of the other animals, who are hesitant at first, but eventually come around as they realize their survival is at stake.

As they raid the neighborhood, the animals discover the allure of human junk food and develop a taste for it. Meanwhile, Verne, who is cautious and protective of his family, becomes increasingly distrustful of RJ's motives and questions his leadership.

In the end, the animals successfully raid the neighborhood, but when Vincent shows up demanding his share of the food, RJ sacrifices himself to save his friends and make things right. The animals are able to return to their forest home, with a newfound appreciation for family and the importance of working together.

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