Over the Edge is a 1979 coming-of-age drama directed by Jonathan Kaplan. The film takes place in the fictional town of New Granada, Colorado, which is created specifically for this movie. The story centers on a group of teenagers living in this suburban community who are frustrated with their lives and rebel against their parents and authority figures.

The lead character of the film is a teenager named Carl (played by Michael Eric Kramer), who is disenchanted with his parents, the town, and the authorities. Along with his friends, Richie (Matt Dillon), Claude (Tom Fergus), and others, they spend their days stealing cars, doing drugs, and disrupting the peace of the town.

As their rebellion progresses, tensions grow between the teenagers and the adults, leading to a riot that ends in tragedy. The film explores themes of teenage anger, parental neglect, and societal corruption.

The soundtrack of the movie features songs from Cheap Trick, The Cars, and The Ramones, adding to the rebellious atmosphere of the film. The film's direction and dialogue are highly praised, with many critics noting its realistic portrayal of teenage angst and societal issues.

Over the Edge was initially shelved for several years due to its controversial themes, but it gained a cult following after its release, particularly after Matt Dillon became a well-known actor in Hollywood. The movie has since been regarded as an important film of its time, capturing the disillusionment and frustration of a generation of youth in suburban America.

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