Out of the Blue is a 1980 drama film directed by Dennis Hopper, who also stars in the movie as a character named Don. The film follows the story of Connor Bates (played by Dennis Hopper), a recently released convict who begins a somewhat illicit relationship with Marilyn Chambers (played by Linda Manz), the wealthy and bored wife of a businessman.

Despite her initial hesitancy, Marilyn becomes increasingly attached to Connor, and the two soon begin to indulge in a passionate and reckless affair. However, their blissful bubble is soon burst when Marilyn begins to divulge details of her unhappy marriage, including her desire to see her husband dead.

As their talk begins to turn to action, Connor realizes that he must extricate himself from the deadly situation before it's too late. Throughout the film, viewers get a glimpse into the lives of several different characters, including Connor's estranged daughter, his former cellmate, and the local police officer who becomes embroiled in the investigation surrounding Marilyn's husband's death.

Ultimately, Out of the Blue is a gripping and thought-provoking film that explores themes of love, loss, and redemption in a unique and emotionally resonant way. With its haunting imagery, searing performances, and powerful storytelling, it remains a cult classic to this day.

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