Other People's Money is a 1991 comedy-drama directed by Norman Jewison, based on a play of the same name by Jerry Sterner. The film stars Danny DeVito as Lawrence Garfield, a corporate raider who specializes in hostile takeovers. When he sets his sights on a small company called New England Wire and Cable, he meets his match in the form of Kate Sullivan (Penelope Ann Miller), a lawyer who is also the stepdaughter of the patriarch of the company, Jorgy (Gregory Peck).

Kate is initially hesitant to take on Garfield as a client, but Jorgy persuades her to do so, hoping that she will be able to protect the company from being taken over. However, as Kate and Garfield begin to spar in the boardroom and the courtroom, it becomes clear that there is an attraction between them. Garfield even calls her his "Miss America" and invites her to his yacht.

As the battle for control of New England Wire and Cable heats up, Kate finds herself torn between her loyalty to her family and her growing feelings for Garfield. Meanwhile, Jorgy struggles to come to terms with the fact that his company may be taken away from him.

Other People's Money received mixed reviews from critics upon its release, with some praising the performances of DeVito and Miller, while others found the film to be cliched and predictable. However, it has since become something of a cult classic among fans of 90s comedies and business movies. The film's themes of greed, ambition, and the clash between traditional values and modern finance still resonate today.

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