
Osmosis Jones follows the story of Frank, an unhealthy middle-aged man who neglects himself and his eating habits. As a result, the city within his body, named "City of Frank," is constantly covered in filth and harmful toxins. Frank frequently indulges in unhealthy foods and never exercises, making him an easy target for viruses and infections.

The movie showcases the workings of the human body, with the characters representing different types of cells within the body. The protagonist, Osmosis Jones, is a white blood cell working as a police officer in the inner city. He is joined by Drix, a cold pill who is determined to rid the body of all ailments.

When a deadly virus, named Thrax, invades the body, Jones and Drix must work together to stop him from destroying Frank. Thrax is a lethal virus who has never been seen before, and he quickly proves to be a formidable foe.

The movie is a mix of live-action and animation, with the live-action scenes showing Frank's daily life as he struggles with his bad habits, while the animation takes the viewers on a thrilling ride through the inner workings of the human body.

Osmosis Jones was released in 2001 and stars Chris Rock as Osmosis Jones and also features the voices of Laurence Fishburne, Bill Murray, and David Hyde Pierce. Despite mixed reviews upon its release, the movie gained a cult following and is considered a classic amongst animated films.

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